Contrary to popular belief, the art of taking notes in the moment goes beyond school and university. It also seeps into the workplace and everyday life. It is also said that every revolutionary idea was scribbled on paper with a pen. Taking notes has been shown to benefit the mind and the study process. In what other ways does it help us as a people? Continue reading to learn about other advantages of taking notes in the moment.
Benefits of Notetaking
The following are the primary advantages of taking notes:
1. Promotes active learning participation
Anyone who takes notes in the moment actively participates in the process of the lectures that are taking place, giving the speech purpose and increasing productivity. It also heightens a person’s awareness and caution.
2. Improves understanding and retention
Taking notes is a tried-and-true method for improving memory retention. According to several studies, when information is noted, it has a greater than 30% chance of being remembered. On the other hand, information that is not written down has a less than 10% chance.
3.Teaches prioritizing skills
Taking notes assists students and others in improving their prioritization skills by quickly selecting the important part of the content and discarding unnecessary detail. This is usually done in a fraction of a second by the brain. Worse, this advantage of taking notes is frequently overlooked.
4. Improves organization skills
By prioritizing the content being distributed to you, you are also equipping yourself with the ability to organize ideas effectively. The ability to highlight key concepts heard and identify the structure to indicate supporting points of a presentation is made possible through notetaking.
5. Increases creativity
Taking notes in the moment improves the ability to revisit and expand on written ideas. Also, while taking notes, you may be inspired to represent ideas, concepts, or points in interesting diagrams or shortforms (shorthand) that can be understood later.
6. Increases attention
It is relatively apparent that one of the best ways to learn and improve a skill is to practice. Taking notes during a presentation requires the skills and qualities of being attentive and focused, as well as sharp and quick, or points will be lost in brief moments. The various types of attention skills can be obtained and improved with regular notetaking.
7. Nothing is forgotten
People forget 40% of what they learn in 20 minutes, 90% after a month, and 50-80% after a day. Why? This is because humans are typically passed from one learning field to another, and many ideas are lost. Taking notes reduces the risks to a bare minimum.
Final Thoughts
Notetaking has shifted from the pages of books to the screen. It has become even more important for students, presenters, and educators as a result of e-Notes, e-portfolios, and the proliferation of screens. Making it easier to manage, share, and more accessible than traditional pen and paper, among other benefits listed in the article above.
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