Are you looking to get more out of your notes? Split page note taking is an easy way to organize your notes as you take them. This leads to clear, easy information recall- without any additional organization time. So what exactly is the split page note taking method? Here’s what busy note-takers need to know.

The Split Page Format

As the name implies, split page note taking involves splitting your page into different sections. The most common way of doing this is also the simplest- just divide your page into two sections with a single vertical line. The line should be placed toward the left-hand side of the page, resulting in a narrow section on the left and a wider section on the right.

Your notes will go in the wider column on the right-hand side of the page. You’ll take these notes in real time, jotting down lecture points or meeting takeaways in chronological order. You can take notes in any style that makes sense to you.

In the smaller column, you will add cues, which are broad points that highlight the main ideas of your notes. Your cues might be keywords, topics, or questions that relate to your main notes. Some people also include a third section at the bottom of their notes as a summary, where they will write 2-3 sentences that sum up the main point of the entire page.

Benefits of Split Page Note Taking

Split page note taking has a few unique benefits. First of all, the method allows for easy organization. With just a few simple lines, you’ll be able to quickly and intuitively sort your information. Plus, this method makes studying a breeze. You’ll be able to effectively take notes while reading or listening to lectures, then you’ll be able to reference and review the materials in one spot.

Combining Methods For Better Results

Split page note taking is a fantastic way to organize and review your study materials. However, this method works even better alongside other note-taking tools. Illunotes is a note-taking app that lets you access digital presentations on the go. Combine these two note-taking tools and see how easy it is to transform your study habits.